Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Take On Occupy Wall Street

Where have I been over the past week... I've spent a good amount of time at Zuccotti Park. That's where the Occupy Wall Street protests are taking place. Politically you can be on either side of the protests.... but now you are going to read my thoughts.... with pictures :)

First the pics....

I work the early shift, so this is what it looks like when the park is asleep. There are sleeping bags and tarps everywhere as the 'occupiers' get some shut eye.

Ever wonder where all those signs come from? Here's Sign-making central. I kinda wonder who is going to clean up the paint they are spilling all over the park walkway though... just saying...

See that dry erase board over to the right? That's where the day's schedule goes. See, there is some organization.

And you may have seen Zombie day...where they all dressed up like corporate zombies.... here's the make-up table where they got ready....

everyone getting a little coffee as one day gets underway...

A sign on one woman's back that made me chuckle... "I closed my accounts at Bankrupt America...."

and of course.. no protest is complete without a drum circle.

Now, my thoughts.... I talked to a LOT of protesters. And from all those conversations, I have a few opinions.

I believe there are a lot of people there who believe 100% in the cause - that government is out of reach of the average person and that there are a handful of people who 'control the US' right now.

But I also believe there are a number of people/groups who are making their way into the occupation to cause problems or push different issues or distort the message and that's a sad thing.

Some are anarchists.... some just want to party and think this is a cool place to do it. Some are just focused on a different agenda and are glomming on to this event because it has a lot of attention and perhaps some have been put there by the very power that are being protested to break down the message being put out.

If you think about it, our founding fathers were pretty big protest fans, and so, considering my major crush on John Adams, you should not be too shocked at my stance in support of the protest. I think as a concept the movement is quite the event, but I also think it's going to destroy itself... (or be helped to destruction) by those who are infiltrating its ranks.

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