Thursday, February 9, 2012

Super Bowl Wrap Up

My past week has been spent on Superbowl coverage... or at least a lot of it... and this is the first break I am getting...

So, here's my recap.

First, props to Amelia for picking the winning team.. we did a prediction with seeds....

Yep, she chose the Giants seed, left the Pats behind.. she's 1 for 1!

Then I went to Foley's bar in Downtown NYC to watch. The bar was all Giants... they even pulled Sam Adams off the tap.. you know.. it's from Boston....

The crowd was fantastic. And this is where Mike and I started our bar rivalry. He was at a Patriots bar across town.

Here's the audio:

They were major fans and they were on their feet (and later on tables) as the final moments on the clock ticked down. Then we of course snapped a shot...

Tuesday it was off to the parade.... I don't have pics of Eli and the trophy coming by because I was on the air at the time... but here's what I do have. HOURS before the parade started... the crowds were already huge!

ticker tape was falling early and rolls of toilet paper as well as footballs and beach balls were bring thrown back and forth across the road...

I ended up taking up a post in the McDonalds at Broadway and Maiden. They had a great view

and they were a sponsor anyways, so it was a win win. It even ended up being more of a win win when there was no cell service and they let me use their cordless phone so I could do reports from the crowd just outside their door!

Here's one of my post parade reports

and a couple more reports on things I learned.... 1 on what not to wear..

and one on the bathroom situation


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