Friday, June 15, 2012

Broadway Bares - See A Strip Show For A Good Cause

Well this weekend is it - a major fundraiser for Broadway Cares / Equity Fights Aids. It's Broadway Bares, a massive strip tease with 200 Broadway performers taking it all off for a good cause.

I did a story on this a few weeks back, but this is your reminder! And it gives me a good reason to show you a picture of Nick Kenkel, one of the gentlemen I interviewed. He's a top notch choreographer who and one of the dancers. He is definitely Prince Charming!

Now, sure, we make cute comments about the concept of stripping for charity, but what these 200 men and women are doing is truly awesome. They give a lot of time and energy of themselves to make this happen. And if you don't know about Broadway Bares, I've attached a highlight reel below. They are not just standing there and stripping, but these are fully choreographed Broadway numbers.

Last years event raised well over one million dollars - all going to a good cause. Let's hope they break the ceiling and raise even more money for charity this time around!

Didn't get tickets yet? They are already sold out, but some will come up for sale on Sunday. According to the website:

"A limited number of tickets may be available between 3 pm and 7 pm only on Sunday, June 17 at will call in the lobby of Roseland Ballroom. Ticket availability will be based on cancellations and returns. Tickets will be first-come, first-served only. Cash or credit cards will be accepted."

So, there's still a chance to see an amazing show that is one night only and give some cash to a great cause!

Here's a video reel with highlights from a few years ago. And yes, there is some nudity. After all, it is called Broadway Bares....

1 comment:

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